Alabama Tire Dealers Association

6096 County Road 434
Trinity, AL 35673

About Alabama Tire Dealers Association

The ATDA is formed to advise and safeguard the business interests of its members to promote harmony goodwill and understanding among its members and to maintain a high level of responsibility, skill and integrity in the sales and service of new and retreaded tires and allied automotive products and services.

Competitors of Alabama Tire Dealers Association

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) is an international non-profit association representing all segments of the tire industry, including those that manufacture, repair, recycle, sell, service or use new or retreaded tires, and also those suppliers or individuals who furnish equipment, material... Read More

A non-profit organization that utilizes the funds raised through annual dues from Supplier Members to assist the Tire Dealer Associations of Canada that hold dealer meetings that incorporate Trade Shows which our membership can and usually exhibit at, in maximizing attendance at these shows. Read More